Whether you master the skill or just get good enough not to fall down most of the time, there’s a real satisfaction that comes with learning to skate. It’s a skill that many of us learned as children, if only not to be left out at an ice rink rental birthday party. There’s no denying that ice skating is fun once you get the hang of it, but there are also many benefits that come with learning this skill.
Do your kids know how to skate? Here are some of the benefits of teaching them this skill.
Balance, Coordination, and Motor Skills
The reason ice skating can be difficult to get the hang of is that it requires balance, coordination, and both fine and gross motor skills. By learning to skate, children can develop and improve these skills at a young age. Skating also teaches spatial awareness, which is important in many other areas and physical activities. Kids gain motor skills by practicing movements like gliding, turning, and stopping.
Confidence, Discipline, and Patience
Learning to stay upright and move on the ice takes discipline and patience. It’s something that you can only learn to do by trying over and over again until you get it right. We talk a lot about how kids don’t have long attention spans, but that’s not necessarily fair. When given the opportunity to learn something that requires discipline and patience to master, a child’s ability to stick with it can really surprise you. And once they’ve learned the skill, they get a huge confidence boost that gives them the courage to try new things in other areas and contexts.
Learn to Love Winter Sports
If you’re a family that loves winter sports, learning to skate is a great way in. Learning to skate is the first step in learning to play hockey or figure skating. Whether your kids join a team or just play casually with their friends, winter sports are the perfect way to learn teamwork and social skills, as well as appreciate the winter weather.
Ice Rink Rental | The Edge Sports Center
At The Edge Sports Center, we offer skating lessons and camps for kids who want to learn hockey or figure skating. We also have public ice times when you can come and practice at your own pace.